Advanced Marketing Plan Creator

One Page Marketing Plan Creator

Marketing Plan Creator Instructions

Select which attributes should go into your Marketing Plan.
Click Create Marketing Plan button to create the graphical Marketing Plan output.
Save the Marketing Plan Image and save the Text results.

Your Marketing Plan Title

Target Market

Who is your most ideal desired customer?
Business to Business
Business to Consumer
In Store
Online Sales
Age 0 to 10
Age 10 to 20
Age 20 to 30
Age 30 to 40
Age 40 to 50
Age 50 to 60
Age 60 to 70
Age 70+
Distribution Network

Message to Target Market

Do you need to raise awareness for a new product or service solution?
Will the headline create a strong interest in the Target Niche Market? E.g. Use Free, You, Save, Love, Proven, Money, New, Easy, Results.
Do you need multiple messages for your niche customer segments?
Do you needs multiple messages for your product / service categories?
What keywords does the customer use and understand in the niche?
What specialist services do you offer to address customer needs / pain points / desires?
What is your unique selling proposition? What does the customer want to gain?
What will be you offer? e.g. Free quote, ebook, whitepaper, discount coupon, competition to win product.
What is your Call To Action for the customer to perform?
E.g. Learn more, free trial, play now, get started, watch video, subscribe, get free app, see case study, free download, sign up, join now.
Content headline generator 4 questions, 20+ headlines.

Media used to reach Target Market

What media types does your ideal customer use?
Can your marketing be tracked by media type?
Can you seperate you marketing campaigns by tracking names or use tags?
Scale up the media techniques that have a positive overall Return on Investment relative to Customer Lifetime Value.
Include multiple media types in your solution for reliability.
Direct Mail
Website via Search
Pay Per Click Ads
Social Media Campaign
Video Channel e.g. YouTube
Directory Listing
Press Releases
Content Marketing

Lead Capture System

How can you capture your new leads details like name, email, address and phone number?
Competition Entry
Web Page Landing Page Form
Social Media Like / Follow / Circle / Group
Event attendance record
Event written Expression of Interest
Business Card collection
Company app loaded on customer smartphone
Audio Podcast or Video Channel subscription

Lead Nurture System

What information can be provided to gain a sale at a time suitable to the customer?
How can you build trust with a lead until they become a customer?
What customer education in your field can help with conversion later?
Customer Relationship Management CRM
Email Marketing / Auto-responder series
Remarketing Pay Per Click Ads
Mailed catalogues / offers / samples
Social Media posts / articles / comments / blogs
New Podcasts or Videos in channel
Follow up phone call
Offer older customers who have not bought in a while a new offer

Sales Conversion Strategy

Can you show how you can help with the customer goals, relieve pain points and avoid risks?
Which tactics have the best conversion rate?
Coupon used in sale
Show customer benefits not specifications
Share stories of how products / services can help the customers
Solve barriers from completing the sale. E.g. risks
Offer bonus items with sale
Offer money back guarantee
Offer financing

Deliver world class Experience

High quality product / service
Fast delivery service
Extra innovative services. E.g. Howto video channel, careful packaging, thank you card with purchase, bonus gift
Online ordering, bookings and payment 24/7
Collect feedback insights and improve offerings
Toll free support phone number
Smart response to any issues
Share relevant case studies which suit customer goals
Provide a website with support questions and answers, how to videos etc.

How to Increase Lifetime Customer Value

Measure what approaches are most effective.
What is the customer average transaction id or spend per month?
Is it time to remove the problem late paying customers?
Loyalty Card / App. Give a reason to come back often
Complimentary product sales relating to initial sale
Regular consumable item sales. Send reminders
Subscription plans
Premium Membership fees
Raise prices and service levels over time

How to create referrals

"How likely would you recommend our product or service to a friend or collegue? (0-10)"
What is your Net Promoter Score for your customers? Promotors, detractors or neutral?
How can I create more raving fans?
Follow up sale with request for feedback. Solve any issues quickly.
Collect and promote testimonials. This is Social Proof.
Respond to Social Media like / endorsement / comments
Word of mouth referral
Can you exchange referrals using your industry partners?

 |  Click button to create Marketing Plan. Right click and save your marketing plan image.

Your Custom Graphical Marketing Plan

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Your Marketing Plan in text

Marketing plan creator FAQ

Marketing plan generator free

Use the above marketing plan tool to create a 1 page marketing plan graphic and text file export of results for FREE.

Digital marketing plan template

This marketing plan tool includes over 80 prepared attributes you can add to your template plus space for your unique attributes.

Sample marketing plan PDF

Create your marketing plan here. Save the marketing plan image. Import the image into a Word document. Save the Word document as a PDF.
See Marketing Plan Creator Sample PDF

Marketing Plan Example

See Marketing Plan Creator Sample image
See Marketing Plan Creator Sample text (PDF)

Free digital marketing plan template word

The Marketing Plan Creator also creates a text list including the title, sections and attributes. This can be copy and pasted with Word.

Marketing Plan Template Free

This Marketing Plan Creator tool is free to use. Save time building your marketing plan by using the provided attributes.
The results are a custom template as it relates to your business. You can export an image and text of your results.

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