Skills Abilities Knowledge

Quickly review skills already known and skills desired.
Create a results documents for export.
Are you prepared and skilled for future projects, ICT trends & company goals?

Review your ICT skills Instructions

  1. Review each skill. Does the skill relate to you? If not, click Next.
  2. If the skills relates to you, what level is your knowledge?
  3. Add optional comments like skill examples, where training was gained etc.
  4. Click on Next for your skill, skill description, choice and comments to be added to results list.
  5. If no selections are made (Not applicable), nothing is added to the result list.
  6. At the end of the skills the title changes to Skills Review Finished.
  7. See below on how to copy out and save the results.

Allow a quiet hour to complete the task well.
When you are finished save the custom created ICT Skills results list as CSV files for later use.

Press start button to start on the first skill and clear results text. Javascript must be enabled on your browser.

Skill Choices
Not applicable
Desire Skill
Low knowledge
Medium knowledge
High knowledge
Optional Comment

Press button to see next skill. Current skill selections and comments (if any) are saved to result List.

Skill Description and Level Description

SkillPress Start Button
Skill DescriptionPress Start Button

ICT Skills Results List

Skill name, skill description, selected skill levels and comments are saved here.

How to Export your ICT Skills Results

  1. Click within a text list.
  2. Ctrl A will Select All the text in a list.
  3. Ctrl C will Copy the selected text in a list.
  4. Open Notepad or equivalent text editor.
  5. Ctrl V will Paste the selected text in the editor.
  6. Save the new document for example as SFIA-Skills.csv

When importing data into a spreadsheet select the CSV file and choose tab delimited option.

Skills List Uses

  • Add skills into your resume. Add the skills into your Linked In profile if applicable.
  • Use the skills to build position descriptions.
  • Confirm a business is running optimally with all the appropriate Information Age skills.
  • If there are skills desired, work out where training can be gained or where people with these skills can be found.
  • Use lists created for performance reviews. This is for current operations and future operations.


Australian Computer SocietyOver 20,000 members with ICT skills. Members provided with professional development in current ICT.
I Choose Technology website What is ICT, Career Pathways, about the ICT industry.
SFIA Download the SFIA skills list with sub level descriptions.
SFIA levels of responsibility: 1 follow, 2 assist, 3 apply, 4 enable, 5 advise, 6 initiate, 7 set strategy / inspire / mobilise

Skill smart for the future.