Work out the volume of a cylinder using metres and centimetres.
Four cylinder volume calculators based on radius or diameter in metres and centimetres.
Calculate volume of cylinders or tanks.
How to find the volume of a cylinder?
Choose a cylinder volume calculator from below.
1. Cylinder Volume calculator using radius and height in metres.
2. Cylinder Volume calculator using diameter and height in metres.
3. Cylinder Volume calculator using radius and height in centimetres.
4. Cylinder Volume calculator using diameter and height in centimetres.
Enter your inputs, click Get Results, see your instant cylinder volume results.
Cylinder Volume = pi x radius squared x height
Volume of a cylinder formula: V = π r2 h
Cylinder Volume = 3.14159265 x radius 2 x height
1 cubic metre = 1000 litres
1 cubic centimetre = 1 millilitres. 1000 cubic centimetres = 1 litre
Enter the radius or diameter and height of a cylinder and click Get Volume Results. Results on the right in cubic units.
Copy out your volume of a cylinder results. Highlight answer. Ctrl C = copy, Ctrl V = paste.
Calculator 1 above accept radius and height in metres with results in litres.
Calculator 2 above accepts diameter and height in metres with results in litres.
Calculator 3 above accepts radius and height in centimetres with results in litres.
Calculator 4 above accepts diameter and height in centimetres with results in litres.
Use the 2nd calculator using the tank internal diameter and height in metres, click Get Volume Results, answers in cubic metres or litres.
Use the above cylinder calculator if measuring in metres or centimetres.
Otherwise use 4 Cylinder Volume Calculators - Inputs in feet and inches
Use the 2nd calculator above to work out the volume of a cylinder with diameter using metres.
Use the 4th calculator above to work out the volume of a cylinder with diameter using centimetres.
You've learned a lot in this lesson about calculating cubic volumes.
Now that you know the basics, it's time to put your knowledge into practice!
Try out these calculations for yourself and see how easy they are with our help.