Online calculator to covert litres / liters into gallons, pints and ounces for both US and UK units.
Also convert gallons, pints and ounces into litres / liters.
Convert between metric and imperial volumes.
Enter the litres value in the first box.
Click on the Get Results button.
Results will show on the next line in gallons, pints and ounces.
1 UK gallon = 4.54609 litres
1 UK pint = 568.26125 millilitres
1 UK ounce = 28.4130625 millilitres
1 litre = 1000 millilitres
1 US gallon = 3.785411784 liters
1 US pint = 473.176473 milliliters
1 US ounce = 29.573529562 milliliters
1 litre = 1000 millilitres
3 liters = 0 gallons, 5 pints, 5 ounces (UK). Use the 1st calculator above.
3 liters = 0 gallons, 6 pints, 5 ounces (US). Use the 2nd calculator above.
Use the 1st calculator above for litres to gallons (UK).
For litres to gallons in Australia use the 1st UK calculator. Use the 1st calculator above.
5000 litres = 22730 gallons (UK). Using the 3rd calculator above.
4 liters = 1 gallon, 7 ounces (US). Using the 2nd calculator above.