roof top solar cell power modules

Is solar power cost effective for you?

Compare the capital costs of setting up solar power versus the expected long term returns.

Solar Power Capital Costs

Grid connected solar power:
Solar panels + grid inverter + new power meter + installation - government rebates - renewable energy credits

Remote connected solar power:
Solar panels + regulator + batteries + inverter + installation - government rebates - renewable energy credits

See Solar Power Calculator for Solar Battery Systems

Solar Output Considerations

What is the solar energy received at your location? For remote systems how much generator fuel will be saved with a solar system? How close to the perfect aspect and pitch is the mounting for the solar panels? Is there a feed in tariff for your area? Is it based on net or gross alternative energy generation? What is your current electrical consumption? Will the solar system generate an income?

Fill in the top table, click the Get Result button and review Results table.



Total size of solar panels (watts)


Installed cost after rebates and RECS


Total size of Solar Panels in metres squared.
E.g. 6.4 for 1000 watts of panels.
Work out total solar panels area calculator.
No. of solar panels
Width mm
Height mm
For more solar panel specifications see Solar Panel Calculator

metres squared

Solar panel efficiency (0-1) E.g. 0.16 = 16%
Examples: Amorphous Silicon 0.063 , Polycrystalline 0.14, Mono crystalline 0.16


Your local average daily Solar Radiation
World Map Solar Radiation (kWh/m2/day)World Map Solar Radiation small


Life span in years


Electricity Cost in Local Currency per kWh example 0.24


Feed In Tariff in Local Currency per kWh example 0.45 (optional)


Press this button after adjusting values in the top table. Results are in the lower table.

Solar Power Calculator Goals

solar panels

Is the cost per kWh generated from solar less than your existing electricity provider?
Does the solar system create a good profit with feed in tariff? Does solar power have a good return on investment?
How much will a solar power system save you?
The best aspect for solar panels is facing the equator (Northern hemisphere face south, Southern hemisphere face north). The ideal pitch angle equals to your location latitude.
Could a community based solar power system be more cost effective? Share the installation costs on a community building and share the profits. Earn a solar income independent of your residential location.
Calculate all possible energy efficient and alternative energy activities and see which ones are easiest to implement and get the best return on investment.
Energy Efficiency Book

Solar Power Calculator Results

Total solar lifetime power output (kWh)
Assume 90% efficiency.
Losses in the inverter, wiring and solar panel temperature coefficient.


Solar cost per kWh generated:
Based on install cost, generated output and life span


Total Energy Costs savings over life of solar power system
Total Solar generated at current electricity costs.


Solar Power system Net Savings
Total Solar generated at current electricity costs - installation cost.


Solar Power system Net Profit with Feed In Tariff
Total Solar generated profit at current feed in Tariff - installation cost.


Solar power system return on investment (ROI) per year for its lifespan.


Solar power system with feed in tariff return on investment (ROI) per year for its lifespan.


Solar power generated for 1 year


Solar power savings generated for 1 year


Solar power savings generated for 1 year with feed in tariff


Does the calculator reveal a worthwhile project to pursue? Is solar generation power cheaper than your current provider?