You and NBN at the Next Level
Over 74 ideas to choose from
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by Matthew Bulat M.Eng.Tech MACS
This is a fantastic resource!
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A very useful resource
Positive feedback has been received from the ICT Industry, University sector, Business Groups, Local Government, State Government and Federal Government sources.
The eBook was created to allow non technical people to be aware of technologies that may benefit them.
Some technologies can be implemented immediately for improved efficiency.
Many technologies will be supercharged with an NBN (National Broadband Network) connection.
Which ideas will suit you?
How to read the eBook
- Scan the idea topics, descriptions, benefits. Would they work for you?
- Build a shortlist of favorites.
- Consider the skills required for your favorites. There are links at the Appendix to review your skills.
- Create a priority list of topics. Some tasks can be completed in under 1 hour with minimal skills.
- See Reading Resources for some further initial help.
- For more difficult topics consider the total skills to complete the task. Self study, build a team, bring in skills, outsource tasks or formal training.
- Make steps to the next level starting now.
General NBN Benefits
Home NBN Benefits
Business NBN Benefits
Website NBN Benefits
Industry Specific NBN Benefits
Bonus Section ICT Benefits
Reading Resources
General NBN Benefits
How you can save money on communications?
Using a single physical communication device to perform multiple jobs.
Main Benefit:
Save on the number of services you pay for.
Use the Internet for telephony, email, video conferencing, instant messaging, social media interaction. Use your premises data connection rather than more expensive mobile data.
There are limits on what can be performed simultaneously.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can provide high speed Internet and telephony for the one cost. No more separate line rental costs.
Multiple users can share the one connection without slowing down.
Skype video calls using Wifi/NBN, Facetime with good resolution and frame rates are possible.
Multiple computer users can operate at full speed e.g. Business, Schools, Govt. Departments, Hospitals.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Reading resources 1
Time saving and productivity improvement. Get information faster.
Internet speed can improve productivity and information gathering.
Main Benefit:
Get more done with less time wasted waiting.
Information can be collected and processed faster.
Decision can be completed quicker.
Tasks can be accomplished sooner.
Current ADSL Internet speed is constrained by copper line limitations.
ADSL services are limited in some locations. ADSL has physical distance limitation.
Copper lines perform poorly in the wet season.
Private fibre services are very expensive to install and use.
Uploading tasks are severely limited.
How will NBN change it?
Fibre NBN is fast two way Internet connection. Up to 4 services can be provided from 1 fibre connection.
Wireless and Satellite is much quicker than previous services.
See Also:
Reading resources 2
Email reading productivity improvement - cloud email, data mining
Time to load and read emails can be improved with Internet speed.
Main Benefit:
Less time is used waiting for Email pictures to load from across the Internet.
Email can be hosted remotely and accessed from any Internet Browser on any platform e.g. PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone.
All emails can be searched from any device.
Email is dependant on an Internet connection for sending and receiving.
How will NBN change it?
NBN is fast enough for a large group of business users to access their email quickly.
Attachments can be opened quicker.
Links for more information can be loaded quicker including video.
See Also:
Reading resources 3
Tablet application uses
There are over 1 million applications available from smartphones and tablets. Which ones could suit your needs?
Main Benefit:
Perform more activities while using mobile computing power.
Smartphones and tablets can perform all day without recharging.
Helps with information consumption.
Remain productive while away from office. e.g. Clients sites, while commuting, while traveling, at home.
Some application require Internet access.
Devices can be lost or damaged.
How will NBN change it?
NBN is faster and more consistent than mobile Internet access.
Video calls can be made clearly without excessive mobile data charges.
See Also:
Education Massive Open Online Cources
Video conferencing done well - multi site, client/service provider.
Video conferencing can now be performed from multiple sites with even a larger viewing audience.
Main Benefit:
Reach more people without travelling.
Speakers can be accessed from their home locations. Reduced travel costs.
Audience can be global.
Conferencing can be recorded and edited for later playback.
Each speaker requires good upload Internet bandwidth.
Viewer experience proportional to download Internet bandwidth.
Organised, relevant content needs to be provided with good video, audio and lighting.
How will NBN change it?
NBN provides the upload Internet bandwidth for high definition multiple site video conferencing.
See Also:
Reading resources 6
Third most popular website used to host and playback video.
Main Benefit:
Use video to complement your online presence for free.
Google video can be used for education, describe products and services.
Videos can be organised into channels (groups) which can be subscribed to. New video is announced to subscribers.
Video web pages can have links back to the organisation.
Youtube can be used like a search engine for video.
There are 11 million Australians who use Youtube.
Uploading video is a slow process.
Many viewers may only be able to see low resolution video with buffering to keep up.
How will NBN change it?
Video upload and download is quicker than real time including high definition.
See Also:
Gideon Shalwick Youtube channel including how to video for Youtube instructions.
Reading resources 7
Professional Development
Keep up to date in your industry.
Main Benefit:
Maintain professional development without traveling.
Online access to learning, case studies, testing, scenarios, exam tests and relearning.
Fast Internet connection is desired.
Some subscription costs for some services.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can provide Australian based content providers with good student experiences.
Access world based education services.
See Also:
Education massively open online courses (MOOCs)
Skillsoft Platform for online training. 1000’s of subjects available plus the ability to add your own.
Bluedog Training Australia training company heavily using video scenarios, online exam, online payment and clever identity checking before sending out certification.
Books 24x7 Over 40,000 eBook titles available on either a computer or tablet for a yearly subscription.
Khan Academy Free educational schooling resources. Over 3000 videos to view.
Seek Learning Multiple industries online training
Reading resources 8
Education massively open online courses (MOOCs)
Complement education with online resources.
Main Benefit:
Access worldwide education resources.
Access class video, discussion groups, teacher feedback, certification preparation.
Get access to specialist class types.
Fast Internet required for rich continuous content.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can allow distributed teacher and student video conferencing.
Classes can be grouped together for collaboration.
See Also:
Open Colleges Over 150 TAFE level courses online with trainer, student and learning support.
Reading Eggs Australian online program on how to learn to read. Over 1000 lessons & eBooks to read. Subscription website business model.
Harrison College KnowU Online university subjects mixed with social media class interactions.
Udemy Online courses based on series of short videos. Some free some paid courses.
MIT Free Courses Materials from over 2000 courses available.
Reading resources 9
eCommerce - eBay, Amazon
Sell worldwide without a storefront.
Main Benefit:
Sell to end users using Internet tools to handle product description, sales process, assist with paperwork, feedback, notification emails.
Many sections of the operation can be highly automated.
eCommerce growth rate is faster than brick and mortar stores.
Distribution Fulfillment centres can handle postage and handling from foreign countries.
Can pilot test the marketplace online before full production is started for a new product.
Transaction fees.
Fulfillment centre storage fees.
How will NBN change it?
Fast Internet users can have access to video product demonstrations.
NBN can scale with business growth without reaching communication bottlenecks.
See Also:
eBay Worldwide online marketplace.My eBay Store example
Amazon , Fulfilled by Amazon Worldwide retailer including digital products. Fulfillment centres in USA, Europe and Asia.
Reading resources 10
Read books from online sources using a computer, tablet, smartphone or e-Reader.
Main Benefit:
Gain new specific knowledge fast.
Cheaper than physical paper based books.
Delivery in minutes.
You can become an eBook publisher.
Students can carry 1000’s of eBooks on a light hand held e-Reader
Reading device requires charging, although e-Ink has minimal power requirements (Kindle).
How will NBN change it?
Libraries can also lend eBooks. This requires high Internet bandwidth and free WiFi networking. Townsville libraries now have a 500MB / day / person download limit via NBN.
Schools can prepare tablets with all eBooks, documents required. NBN speeds this up.
South Korea is moving all school books to eBook format delivery.
See Also:
Books 24x7 Over 40,000 books available on computer or tablet for yearly subscription.
Kindle eBooks.
Google Book Google Play Store books can be viewed on Android tablet or PC Chrome browser.
Apple iBooks eBooks on Apple iPad
Scrivener eBook/PDF/screenplay/web-page writing software. This document was compiled using this software.
Reading resources 11
Waiting Room Wifi NBN
Keeping customers happy with free Wifi networking in waiting rooms.
Main Benefit:
Customers can keep productive even while waiting for services.
Educational links can promote local services while waiting.
See company website, training, product video
Avoid boredom.
Over 10 million Australians have a smartphone with Internet access possible.
Modern Internet routers have a Guest mode for Internet access with seperate security.
Uses Internet bandwidth.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can support large numbers of users on the Internet at the same time.
See Also:
Reading resources 12
Public Wifi Hotspot
Create wireless Internet to attract more customers to your location. e.g. Coffee shop or Motel.
Main Benefit:
More customers at your location.
While on site, customers can browse your business website, order online, see demonstrations using QR codes.
Modern Internet routers have a Guest mode for Internet access with seperate security.
Specialised WiFi wireless access points allow for online payment for Internet access by time or download quantity.
Internet download limit is being used up by customers. You can limit hours of operation.
How will NBN change it?
Customer online experience is much better with fast Internet speed.
See Also:
Example WiFi Hotspot equipment
Reading resources 12
Recording audio or video in program sequences for later playback by a worldwide audience.
Main Benefit:
Audience can play programs on PC, tablet, smartphone, MP3 player at any time.
Audience can subscribe to a podcast. New episodes can be automatically downloaded.
Listen / view episodes while commuting, exercising, walking etc.
Big files can be involved.
Mobile download quota can be used up on podcasts.
How will NBN change it?
Download limits can be much much larger with NBN. New episodes can be downloaded quickly with less waiting.
NBN can allow on-premises audio and video distribution.
See Also:
Selling Online Photos Illustrations Video and Audio
ITunes Podcasts Audio and video series available for download
ABC iView Audio and video series available for download or real time viewing.
Podcast Answer Man Sample podcasts plus how to make them.
Reading resources 13
Social Media Monitoring
Track information on your name, company, industry, location in real time and respond in real time.
Main Benefit:
Help maintain a good online reputation.
Respond to inquirers across the Internet on your products and services.
Build connections and backlinks for future sales.
Heavy use of Internet required.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can help speed up this process.
Useful on monitoring competition.
See Also:
Google Alerts Automatic emails once your keyword phrase is mentioned in the news etc.
Twitter Over 500 million users of the short messaging service. Over 2 million in Australia.
Yahoo Answers Online question and answers service.
Hootsuite Listen and engage on multiple social media platforms all at once.
Hubspot Integrate marketing, social media, website and analytics.
Reading resources 14
3D Printing
Create small plastic models using 3D printing technology.
Main Benefit:
Create small plastic models in house with 0.1mm accuracy.
Research and develop new designs quicker.
Showcase custom models of products.
Create replacement parts using a shared design file.
Printers can be bought for $500-$2000.
Models are limited to about 15 cm cube. Varies with 3D printer model.
Printing is slow especially when set to fine 0.1mm accuracy.
How will NBN change it?
Designs and printers can be in separate locations. Once a final design is created it can be uploaded for mass manufacture. Collaboration between the customer and designer can be improved with an NBN connection.
See Also:
Virtual teams across the globe
Reading resources 15
Remote Backup
Keep file copies stored in a physically remote location.
Main Benefit:
Using the Internet to handle remote backups automatically.
Remote backups can be in a different state.
No need for manually handling backup tapes.
If disaster strikes then getting access to important files can be done anywhere with an Internet connection.
Work files can be backed up to a home network attached storage (NAS).
Remote storage costs.
Uploading large amounts of information is slow. Download/upload quota is used up quickly initially.
Be careful with backup services in different countries and their local laws.
How will NBN change it?
NBN is much much quicker with uploading backup data.
NBN can be used to have duplicate virtual computers maintained at 2 sites in real time.
See Also:
Network Attached Storage (NAS). Advanced NAS storage devices can be accessed across the Internet.
Example Network Attached Storage uses Store files, photos, music, video, backups, downloads. Can backup NAS to NAS or NAS to cloud storage.
Reading resources 16
Google Video
Private video channel for an organisation. Like private Youtube.
Main Benefit:
Store and display video content throughout an organisation.
Store video of meetings, training sessions, how to procedures, case studies, professional development, promotion video, customer video.
Useful for branch office training.
Selected video can be set for public access.
Each employee requires a Google Apps for Business subscription. This includes email, office applications, calendar, document storage etc.
How will NBN change it?
Cloud services work better with quick 2 way Internet connections.
Video uploading and playback will be smoother with fast Internet access.
See Also:
Reading resources 17
Smarter User Friendly Software
There is over 1 million software programs available for computer / smartphone / tablets. Some may assist you.
Main Benefit:
Does your premises operate at peak efficiency in terms of software? E.g. digital ordering, inventory management, digital enquiry handling, digital tax invoices, stock tracking, digital feedback, staff time sheets online, staff expenses online, internal sales trend by product / customer / region, product turnover rates, earnings / product / year.
Smartphone / tablet apps are often free or inexpensive.
Can improve business decisions.
Double handling of information can be reduced.
Some tasks can be completed online instead of in the office.
Some software can be free, Open Source.
Some software can be subscribed to and used as demand requires. SAAS. No big upfront capital.
Remote cloud software can eliminate the need for on premises servers.
New software requires training.
Specialist tasks may need development.
Software subscription fees.
How will NBN change it?
Cloud services work better with good two way Internet communication.
See Also:
SAAS Software as a service. Online software using a subscription model.
Apple iStore Applications for Mac computers, iPhones and iPads.
Google Play Application for Android phones and tablets.
Sourceforge Over 300,000 open source software products.
Reading resources 18
Open Source Software
Software available for free which can be customised if required.
Main Benefit:
Over 300,000 Open Source projects are available. Some might suit you.
Open Source projects can be contributed from all over the world.
All the code is available for customisation if required.
Some Open Source projects may have little support following. Support is voluntary.
No warranty.
How will NBN change it?
NBN is useful for sorting and testing various software products quickly.
Server open source software such as Linux, Apache Web Server, MySQL databases, PHP programming language can operate well with an NBN connection.
See Also:
Sourceforge Over 300,000 open source software products.
SAAS Software as a service. Online software using a subscription model.
Reading resources 19
Data sharing across multiple platforms
Having access to business information from work computer, tablet, smartphone, home computer and travel laptop.
Main Benefit:
Keep up productivity from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Save on software costs
Information can be stored in cloud storage or in company servers accessed by VPN connection.
More hardware costs.
Data security issues.
Company remote connections can be a bottleneck.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can scale up a company to more VPN connections and more Internet users.
See Also:
Reading resources 20
Multicast AV Distribution - Streaming Events
Moving video worldwide in real time using a shared video feed.
Main Benefit:
The provider of the video requires only 1 source feed that is shared.
The upload requirements from the presenters location is a controlled quantity.
ADSL is not often sufficient.
How will NBN change it?
NBN allows for High Quality video, high frame rate without glitches.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Google Hangout Multiple site video conferencing that can be streamed worldwide and recorded on Youtube.
Blackboard Collaborate Multiple site video conferencing with 100s of viewers possible.
GoToWebinar Video conferencing with 100s of viewers possible.
Reading resources 21
Security CCTV
Use digital video to enhance security for home or business.
Main Benefit:
Use live and recorded video as a criminal deterrent, be able to see more places at once, apply analytics with triggers based on video and create evidence.
Use CCTV video during the day or night with infra red.
Prevent and detect theft. 86% reduction in theft typical.
Deterrent of violent crime. 39% reduction in violent crime typical.
Video assists in arrests. London has 200,000 CCTV cameras. Offenders can be tracked through the city.
Can be incorporated with alarm systems.
Analytics can be used for facial recognition, human traffic flow, people counting and identification of VIP customers. etc.
Hold weeks of recordings with modern hardware.
Cameras can use IP networking and PoE power to incorporate with your existing computer network.
Equipment costs.
Monitoring time. This can be outsourced. CCTV can be set up to only record movement or when an alarm is triggered.
Larger areas need bigger wired and wireless networks.
How will NBN change it?
Alarm triggered video can be uploaded for immediate response. Multiple video feeds uploaded simultaneously is possible.
Alarm triggered video can be viewed on smartphone/s with notification in real time. Digital Video Security can be controlled remotely.
Multiple CCTV systems could be managed as a larger system.
Security response can be targeted better in real time.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
CCTV and Analytics for Public Safety How video analytics can be used in public places.
Biometrics Public Safety techniques.
Reading resources 87
Home NBN Benefits
Shopping Convenience Online
Allow for shopping around the world using an Internet connection.
Main Benefit:
Be able to search the world for your shopping needs.
Delivery to your door.
Compare prices and features of products around the world.
Delivery wait times.
Postage costs.
How will NBN change it?
NBN allows for much richer content in HD, 3D and Interactive.
See Also:
Ebay Worldwide marketplace. You can also sell here.
Amazon Worldwide online retail. You can also sell here.
Etsy Online retail including custom made items. You can also sell here.
NBN Co Video Example of how retail can be improved with NBN.
Reading resources 22
Home phone alternatives - VOIP
Use your Internet connection for telephony.
Main Benefit:
Internet based telephony can be provided to regular phones, VOIP handsets, computer soft-phones or mobile phones.
Save on phone line rental.
Some VOIP services are free while others are lower cost.
A laptop can operate as a work VOIP phone extension anywhere with a good Internet connection.
One VOIP number can be set up on your mobiles, laptops and tablets.
Constant two way bandwidth is needed for VOIP.
How will NBN change it?
NBN provides 2 way bandwidth enough for many simultaneous VOIP call. More extensions are possible per site sharing the one connection.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Skype VOIP software available for computer, smartphone, TV and tablet. You can buy an Australian phone number.
Apple Facetime Video calling between Mac computers, iPhone and iPad.
Facebook Video Calling Facebook has Skype built in. Start a Instant Message and click the camera icon for video calling.
Google Hangout Messaging, Calls and Video
Reading resources 23
IPTV - More Internet TV Channels
Use the Internet to provide extra television viewing.
Main Benefit:
Access worldwide TV viewing options.
Subscribe to individual channels direct for the suppliers.
Avoid pay TV bundles and associated fees.
More choices.
Computing power can be used to record TV shows if desired.
More and more televisions will be coming with Ethernet or Wifi connections for Internet access.
Requires good consistent Internet download speed.
TV requires an Internet input or a set top box that accepts an Internet connection.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can support multiple channels of video at the same time.
NBN can support your Multicast video channel channel.
See Also:
Play On Software for viewing and recording TV channels from around the world
ABC iView View recent ABC television shows from your computer
Reading resources 24
Video Conferencing from Home
Use video communications on multiple platforms.
Main Benefit:
Richer communication using high quality video and audio.
Some video conferencing can be performed for free.
Platforms include: computer, tablet, smartphone, TV with camera.
Participate in worldwide conferences with interaction.
Most tablets and smartphones already have the hardware to perform video conferencing.
Quality is proportional to Internet bandwidth.
ADSL does not provide a quality experience.
How will NBN change it?
NBN provides for full screen high definition video conferencing.
NBN can scale up to 3D TV, 4k resolution TV.
Multiple video conferences can be performed simultaneously from the one premises.
See Also:
Skype VOIP software available for computer, smartphone, TV and tablet.
Backboard Collaborate Video conferencing including PC screen sharing, white board sharing and text chat audience.
GoToWebinar Video conferencing with 100s of viewers possible.
Reading resources 25
Work remotely from a company headquarters using an Internet connection
Main Benefit:
Access to skills from remote locations.
Work from home, business, client sites, while traveling.
Better utilization of office space.
No commute time and less fatigue.
Can provide a company VOIP extension/soft phone that operate like if at headquarters.
Fast 2 ways communication needed for computing connection and VOIP telephony.
Extra equipment may be required for home office.
How will NBN change it?
NBN will allow for fast computer interactions with headquarters, VOIP telephony and video conferencing.
Video conference with clients, business partners, industry groups.
See Also:
Backboard Collaborate Video conferencing including PC screen sharing.
Reading resources 26
Home Business Opportunities
Leveraging Internet services to help run a business from home.
Main Benefit:
More business types can now be run from home with minimal capital costs.
Online wholesale ordering possible.
Cheap VOIP telephony.
Website content creation, link building, social media contribution.
eCommerce store order fulfillment, correspondence, feedback.
Digital product creation and online sales.
Requires a stable fast 24x7 Internet connection when business grows.
3G Internet connections constrains growth rate and operational speed.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can provide high speed Internet even at peak times or during the wet season.
NBN and Internet services can scale a business from home to larger premises if required.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Reading resources 27
Gaming Server
Provide a subscription gaming service from your premises.
Main Benefit:
Suits Australian gamers due to less lag times.
One server can provide gaming for 100s of people at the same time.
Australian based servers best suit Australian players and their playing hours.
Server operational maintenance.
Internet 2 way connection speed.
There is worldwide competition.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can provide 2 way Internet speed.
NBN can provide 4 independent Gigabit network connections. If you use 4 NBN providers (the most popular 4), then you have the best connections to your audience.
See Also:
Minecraft Server Server system to provide gaming for 100s of people.
Steam Server A subscription model for gaming.
Reading resources 28
Business NBN Benefits
Scale up organisation size
How to handle seasonal and long term growth in terms of technology
Main Benefit:
Technology can be tailored to business needs dynamically without capital costs.
External computing power and software subscriptions can be altered to suit your exact needs.
e.g. Add more web server resources for weekend trade, add more database resources for end of year reporting, scale up cloud computer user accounts for staff before Christmas rush.
Cloud based resources need fast connection to perform for local users.
How will NBN change it?
The bottleneck are far higher with an NBN connection. e.g. Custom graphic online ordering before Christmas, selling digital product from your own servers.
See Also:
Computing power at affordable prices
NBN connected business users video
Reading resources 29
Global Competition - staying ahead
How to track the competition, find new markets and outperform.
Main Benefit:
If you can understand the marketplace better you can better respond to changes.
Track search engine keywords and trends.
Track market sales.
Track own website performance.
Track social media with alerts.
The analysis takes time and Internet resources.
How will NBN change it?
Data analysis can be performed sooner. Decisions can be made faster. More parameters can be tracked in a given time.
See Also:
Service Industry Location Keywords
Terapeak Review worldwide eBay sales for the last 90 days by product, seller, product category, popularity.
Reading resources 30
Competition Research
Know your competitor online strategies for your strategic advantage.
Main Benefit:
You can compare your strategy with that of your competitors.
See competitor online activity in terms of news, web pages, links, social media, keywords used.
Learn how to work around the competition.
If you can understand the marketplace better you can better respond to changes.
Research takes personal time and computing time.
How will NBN change it?
Results can be gathered sooner.
See Also:
SEMrush Software using Google Keyword Tool input, website links analysis and web page design analysis. Regular reports provided for set website trends.
Reading resources 31
Virtual teams across the globe
Create a team with participants from all around the world.
Main Benefit:
Linking people with technology can make the distributed team operate effectively.
Access to skills from distant locations.
Projects can be set up with all the right skills included.
Business can be set up with all the right skills included.
Used cloud project management, VOIP, Instant Messaging, email, shared cloud storage.
Communication links need to be good.
Isolation of team members
How will NBN change it?
Speed up collaboration. Up to 10 video site video conferencing possible. More participants can contribute with conferencing text chat sessions.
Planning meetings can be video recorded, uploaded and played back around the world.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Backboard Collaborate Video conferencing (multi site) including PC screen sharing, white board sharing and recording.
Reading resources 32
Branch office advantages
Scale to multiple branch offices using shared servers, phone system, email system etc.
Main Benefit:
Save on capital costs while having minimal equipment at each branch site.
Branch office users can share data connections with VOIP phone and computer which halves the cabling requirements.
Thin clients can be used instead of computers at branch offices reducing power usage, network bandwidth and maintenance.
VOIP extensions require Power over Ethernet network switches.
Branch office is very dependant on Internet connection.
How will NBN change it?
The size of a branch office that can be supported with a NBN connections is much larger.
The cost of a NBN connection is lower than alternative high bandwidth connections.
One NBN fibre can have up to 4 Internet providers for the same premises for redundancy for even more bandwidth.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Reading resources 33
Telecottage / Serviced Offices
A suburban / regional building where multiple people access remote computing to perform their work.
Main Benefit:
Cheaper building costs while accessing remote staff skills.
Reduce commute times.
Multiple companies can be serviced from the one building.
Shared resources such as printers, meeting rooms, video conferencing, telephony.
Services office business model can work for suburban / regional areas.
Better utilisation of time.
Two way Internet bandwidth can limit how many people can operate from one building.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can scale up to 100s of users using Thin Client computing connections with remote headquarters. VOIP phone extension count can also scale up.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Reading resources 34
Inventory control
Real time information of sales which influences ordering cycles, manufacturing cycles and shipping needs.
Main Benefit:
Real time inventory data allows for less stock wastage, higher turnover on shelves and less capital held up in stock.
Sales cycles can become shorter than payment periods.
Stock on hand can be tailored to customer requirements more precisely.
Trends for sales by product, store/customer, geographic region is possible in real time.
Promotions can be used to move slow products off the inventory.
Promotions can be timed to match consumer needs by date, day, hour.
Can have issues if transport system stops with floods, road/rail washouts, cyclones etc.
This may require custom programming for data analysis and reporting.
How will NBN change it?
NBN fibre can handle the information flow requirements especially at headquarters.
NBN fibre can operate at full speed even when underwater unlike copper.
See Also:
Reading resources 35
Business Decision Information Flow
Source information from multiple locations to work out business decisions faster.
Main Benefit:
Bring together diverse information to make better decisions.
Use information sources such as customer information, business history information, supplier information, transport information and government statistics.
Some information can be processed and prepared overnight automatically for presentation each day.
Reduce the likelihood of running out inventory, product resources, time.
Improve on time product delivery and customer satisfaction.
Computing power and networking resource requirements can be high.
Skills are required to initially coordinate the information matrix.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can help bring your business decisions to you even faster.
See Also:
Tracking Goods Vehicles and People
Dynamic Business with IT Feedback
Reading resources 36
Paperless Bills and Online Payment
Use online systems to issue bills, accept payments and deliver tax invoices.
Main Benefit:
Quicker payments with less payment costs.
Use mobile EFTPOS, Smartphone Paypal Credit card scanning, emailing tax invoices.
Less time lost posting bills.
Eliminate printing and postage costs.
Some payment system can have instant clearance times.
Reliance on communication systems are much higher.
May have to deal with different payment delivery methods.
How will NBN change it?
On NBN fibre service can have up to 4 Internet Service providers for combined/different purposes.
NBN can improve on redundancy.
See Also:
Paypal Card Reader . Add attachment to Smartphone for reading credit cards
Reading resources 37
Online Services SAAS
Access to advanced online services for any sized business.
Main Benefit:
Only pay for what you use.
Save on capital for software services.
Scale up software requirement as demand requires it.
Get access to high end services that were once only available to large businesses.
Monthly fees on a per user basis.
Software user speed proportional to 2 way Internet speed available.
How will NBN change it?
Remote services are available to many users simultaneously from the same location without bottlenecks in terms of speed.
See Also:
CRM customer relationship management overview
Reading resources 38
Online Project Management
Share online up to date project management information across all stakeholders.
Main Benefit:
Relevant stakeholders have access to the latest shared information on the project.
Each project can have different stakeholders from different organisation.
Share project time lines, to do lists, action items, documents, instant messaging.
Each stakeholder requires Internet access.
How will NBN change it?
NBN includes 2 satellites that cover the whole country to be launched in 2015. Remote project sites can still have fast Internet connectivity. There is currently an interim satellite service for NBN.
When running multiple projects a NBN service can help in managing them all in terms of access speed.
See Also:
Basecamp online project management system
Reading resources 39
Cloud Shared Documents
Allow multiple people to view and edit the latest version of online documents, spreadsheets, presentation etc.
Main Benefit:
Distributed document contribution can occur across the world.
Less emailing of versions.
Less file version issue.
Multiple editors can work on the same document at the same time with some systems.
Each user requires Internet access and service access.
How will NBN change it?
Cloud services when used in bulk require good 2 way Internet connectivity the NBN provides.
See Also:
Smarter User Friendly Software
Reading resources 40
Instant Payments - e-Banking, e-Payments
Organise payment for near real time transaction onsite.
Main Benefit:
Accept payments in person or online for faster product handling and shipment.
The whole order transaction to delivery time is shorter.
On customer site services can be paid for immediately.
Tax invoice can be emailed or printed as part of the transaction.
Need to monitor stock levels carefully.
Website can be linked to inventory system with some coordination.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can help with website payments, payment clearance services, customer correspondence, packing slip creation, postage service printing label, postage service payment and shipment tracking.
See Also:
Paypal buttons Create code for Buy Now web page images. Paypal does the transaction.
Paypal Card Reader . Add attachment to Smartphone for reading credit cards
IP EFTPOS Internet connected EFTPOS is faster
Agora Shopping Cart Open Source Shopping Cart with Payment Gateways
Real Time Freight Calculator Allow real time calculation of freight to customers location before payment. Shipping labels are emailed to you for courier chosen.
Reading resources 41
eCommerce Worldwide Wholesale
Source and sell wholesale across the globe.
Main Benefit:
Internet connected businesses can list products for worldwide sale.
Online listing, Instant Messaging with suppliers and customers, email, payments online held until customer is happy with delivery, procurement timers, feedback systems, dispute resolution systems, company background checks done for you.
Value add to globally sourced parts.
Can buy global wholesale and sell local retail.
Delivery times need to be factoring in with ordering.
Quality control of product at both ends.
Operating with people in multiple time zones.
How will NBN change it?
Global commerce can be 24/7 activity. Good multiple site Internet access may be required.
See Also:
Alibaba - World's largest business to business marketplace. 240 countries. 5.5 million storefronts.
Tracking Goods, Vehicles and People
Track goods, vehicles and people in real time using communication systems.
Main Benefit:
Better decisions based on real time location data.
Can use Smartphone GPS + SMS + Email + Software + Management systems.
Data is often sent to a server for collection by multiple businesses.
Useful for mobile tradespeople, delivery services, shipping containers.
People can log in at start and finish of jobs with location data. Useful for time sheets and billing.
People can use location to work out best person location available for next job.
Mobile service people do not have to go to work to perform paperwork as much.
Communications systems have to be available in operational area.
There are user subscription fees.
There are carrier communication fees.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can assist with live mapping data display of all goods, vehicles and people.
NBN can assist with downloading all the positioning data in spreadsheet format.
See Also:
Telstra Navman - GPS + server storage and reporting.
Google Play - Google App Store
Reading resources 44
Big Data Applications
Use large data sources to find new insights.
Main Benefit:
Find new information from non related information sources.
Use feedback surveys, fault and repair notes, transaction histories, online research services, search keywords used on your website, Internet hardware type used on your website and contact methods used.
Need to be able to interpret different data sources.
Multiple data sources may need to be put into a decision matrix.
How will NBN change it?
NBN is very useful for quicker analysis of Internet traffic sources and competition.
See Also:
Terapeak Worldwide ebay sales reporting system
SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint Uses
Review eBay sales transactions by day and hour Useful for timing auctions for when customers are online in your product categories.
Reading resources 45
Speed up Research and Development R&D
Use worldwide skills and collaboration.
Main Benefit:
To improve development times.
Create a worldwide virtual team with all the skills needed for the project.
Can work in shifts around the world clock.
Data sharing and updated around the world.
Good communication needs for all participants sites.
How will NBN change it?
NBN will allow the Australian end of the project to communicate at speed.
See Also:
Makerspace Gathering point for educators, tools, projects, mentors and expertise.
Reading resources 46
Business Network Options
Create a computer network that is quick now and quicker when the NBN is connected.
Main Benefit:
Network benefits can be gained now and also when the NBN is connected.
Local network activity can be performed faster.
Business growth is not slowed down by the computer network.
Can cater to computers, tablets, smartphones, desktop video conferencing.
Security of business information. Wifi networks can be split into business and guest users with different access.
New cabling may have to be installed. Choose Category 6 cable or fibre optics if possible.
Not all hardware has the fastest networking standards.
How will NBN change it?
NBN supplies a Gigabit Ethernet connection. Your ideal Internet router should accept Gigabit Ethernet on the WAN socket.
If there are a lot of computers to connect then a Gigabit Ethernet network switch is desired.
If there are multiple VOIP phone extensions then a Power Over Ethernet version of a Gigabit Ethernet Switch is desired.
If using wireless networking then your ideal Internet router should support standards, G, N and (AC desired).
Extra wireless access points can extend the Wifi coverage area.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Modern Wireless Router features
Reading resources 47
Business Phone Options
NBN can change the telephony landscape and give more options.
Main Benefit:
Use your Internet connection also for telephony.
Save on phone line rental costs.
Scale up quickly is communication requirements change.
Phone system can be outsourced. No capital for on site phone system.
Phone lines/trunks can be outsourced for your existing IP phone system.
One phone system can be shared across multiple sites.
Data link costs can be high to each site.
Remote sites are dependant on the data link for telephony.
Network connections need a quality of service (QoS) for the whole communication distance.
How will NBN change it?
NBN will save business communication costs by providing cheaper fast 2 way Internet connectivity.
VOIP will become much more popular for small and large premises.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
SIP Trunks External providers using the Internet to provide “phone lines” equivalent
NEC VOIP Unified Communications including telephony, instant messaging, video conferencing, PC based telephony, mobile and cordless.
Reading resources 48
Virtual conference with live and recorded events
Set up a conference without hiring a physical site.
Main Benefit:
Create a conference with worldwide presenters and worldwide guests.
Event can include online registration, itinerary, displays, presentations, forums, live talks with audience participation and sponsorships.
Save on travel costs for presenters and guests.
Live talks can be recorded for later playback.
Registered users can be accumulated over time for invite to future events.
Internet bandwidth is needed for all speakers at their locations.
Website preparation for large event.
Running an event can strain communication resources.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can handle multiple site video conferencing.
NBN can stream video using multicasting which shares one video feed to many.
One NBN fibre connection can supply 4 Gigabit Ethernet sockets from 4 Internet providers for higher parallel speed.
See Also:
Prezi Alternative way to show a presentation with multimedia.
Reading resources 49
Run Desktop Computing Tasks with Thin Clients
Used thin client devices connected to a server to replace desktop computers.
Main Benefit:
Computer functions are managed from the central server/s.
Thin clients use less power.
Thin clients do not have moving parts and require less maintenance.
No data is stored on a thin client.
No upgrade cycles required. Thin clients can support multiple operating system.
There is minimal bandwidth required for screen display, keyboard and mouse use.
Thin client applications can also run from a laptop/desktop with separate security.
Thin clients are not suited to ad-hoc applications or heavy computer usage.
How will NBN change it?
Thin clients can be supported in larger numbers across the NBN. Central servers can support 100s of thin clients at remote offices.
Advanced thin clients can support HD video and VOIP telephony.
Can reduce the phone line count for remote thin client sessions. Use the Internet instead.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
20000 Thin Client Enterprise Case study
Reading resources 50
Allow external groups to help with your business needs.
Main Benefit:
Have access to skills not within an organisation to complete business tasks. e.g. Graphic Designer, transcribing, web page creation.
Fast response. You can obtain some services from around the world.
Build up experience and social proof with worldwide customers.
Access to skills not available locally.
Quality control of the remote activities.
Management of remote activities.
How will NBN change it?
The tasks that can be performed at a NBN site can be richer. e.g. Video and audio post production.
See Also:
Upwork Uses a diary and screen capture tracking system. Paid weekly or by task.
99designs Australian company that has gone global.
Fiverr Useful for smaller tasks.
Reading resources 51
Computing Power at Affordable Prices
Use remote computers to help with variable workloads.
Main Benefit:
Remote computers and virtual machines can be set up and paid for by the hour.
No capital outlay. No server room setup required.
Remote computing power can be scaled up or down as required. e.g Christmas, weekends, new product launch time.
Pay as you go for processing power, storage, network bandwidth.
Expenses grows as business grows.
Dedicated remote server hosting may be cheaper as business requirement grows.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can handle more connections to remote computing power.
Multiple sites can access the common central servers.
See Also:
Amazon S3 Data centres around the world including Australia
Rackspace Dedicated and virtual servers
AWS Cloud 9 Virtual computers, cloud backup, cloud applications.
Datacentre Solutions How to save energy and costs at a data centre level.
Reading resources 52
Remote Computer/Server Access
Use remote servers rather than buying, cooling, housing your own server in house. For email, document storage, shared applications, web server, Intranet.
Main Benefit:
Remote servers/virtual machines can be accessed for less cost than electricity for your in house servers (server + cooling).
Very fast to implement.
Reduce capital costs.
Uninterruptible power supply and generator requirements can be lowered.
Very dependant on the 2 way network speed with the remote servers.
Monthly fees for computing power, storage and network traffic use.
How will NBN change it?
Can support a rapidly growing franchise organisation at multiple sites.
Can support working from home, remote sites etc.
See Also:
Computing power at affordable prices
Google Apps for Business Includes company email, applications, file storage, calendars. Available from any Internet connected computer, smartphone or tablet.
Office 365 Microsoft online applications and storage.
Reading resources 53
Energy Measuring Networks
Know your energy consumption and control it at a local or regional level.
Main Benefit:
Save power in real time and avoid peak electricity surcharges.
If power use is monitored and logged then it can also be managed.
Work out where power is going and when.
Control electrical loads by timing, temperature, if people are present, move loads to off peak etc.
Initial hardware requirements to measure energy consumption.
Communication systems required to collect the data.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can be used to collect data continuously.
Business can compare results if desired. Best practices from experience can be distributed.
See Also:
Energy Measurement with calculator
Zigbee Low power building communication system
Reading resources 54
Business Resilience
How to adapt to business disruptions and maintain operations.
Main Benefit:
Be able to respond quickly to both threats and opportunities.
Keep operational during power outages, power surges, localised disasters, regional floods, regional cyclones etc.
Advanced IT systems can be operational from 2 seperate locations in case of a single site failure.
Staff can be moved or remote staff accessed to access business IT systems.
Business data is available always.
Mutliple site costs. Remote sites can be housed in managed data centres using virtual machines.
Business Resilience systems need procedures and testing.
Costs for surge protection, uniteruptable power supply (UPS) and automatic start Generator.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can connect two IT systems and keep them in sync.
NBN fibre still operates at full speed even if the cable is under water.
For NBN fibre community communications to operate only requires power at the exchange and users premises.
See Also:
Vmware Site Recovery Manager Two sites with virtual machines in sync.
Uniteruptable power supply (UPS)
Reading resources 55
Disaster Recovery
How to keep business going after a disaster.
Main Benefit:
Access to business data, backups, computing power from a remote site.
Avoid the business delay in replacement of lost equipment on-site.
Staff can operate from another premises or location while the primary premises is put back into operation.
Remote computing power has monthly fees.
How will NBN change it?
NBN fibre can operate even when under water at full speed unlike copper.
NBN can provide the bandwidth for remote real time backups.
Local servers can have a duplicate remote virtual machines.
Some business operations can be performed from another city or state if required.
See Also:
Disaster recovery from floods Phones, computers, backups, email, desktops.
Reading resources 56
Email marketing
Send relevant email to an approved subscriber/customer list.
Main Benefit:
Email can be used to send relevant valuable information to targeted groups with business benefits later.
Online services can provide the email distribution.
A free product guide, white paper, eBook can be offered for a subscription.
New subscribers can have an automatic timed sequence of emails. e.g. training sequence.
Emails can have links to video and audio for more information.
Emails can have analytics, social media buttons, sharing functions.
Emails can be automatically tailored to end users device and settings. e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone, text only.
Must comply with Spam Act 2003.
How will NBN change it?
Email campaigns are often designed online. Two way Internet speed is useful for speedy design.
See Also:
Email reading productivity improvement
Mailchimp Send up to 2000 emails per month for free. Online editor and reporting.
Aweber Design email sign up forms, create sequenced and timed email campaign from sign up.
Reading resources 57
Website NBN Benefits
Service Industry Location Keywords
How to be unique on the Internet by combining your services, industry and location keywords.
Main Benefit:
You can achieve a better Internet ranking by using keywords that your local customers use. E.g. Italian restaurant Townsville, television repair Townsville.
Internet queries are relevant to your products, services and location.
Web pages can be created for each product or service you provide. These can generate Internet based enquiries into the future repeatedly.
You need to know the words and phrases used by customers for your business.
An understanding on which keywords your competition is aiming for is needed.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can allow for continuous in depth analysis of multiple websites.
NBN can be useful to outperform the competition. e.g. More web pages, more back links, more keyword phrases covered.
See Also:
Google Adwords Keyword Tool - required free sign up.
Link Assistant - Uses Google Keyword Tool as an input.
Google Analytics
Measure your website performance at a very fine level for free.
Main Benefit:
See your daily website page views, time on website, time on web pages, customer source location, customer search keywords used, customer hardware (PC/mobile) etc.
Once setup you can see website trends for any date range.
See which web pages are most popular.
See what links are clicked on a web page by percentages.
How are Internet searches, social media, other website contributing to your website traffic.
What are the search keyword phrases used to reach your website.
A small code segment is required at the bottom of each web page being tracked. Website Content Management Systems incorporate this code automatically.
How will NBN change it?
Multiple websites can be tracked from the same interface. Gain feedback from your online efforts and respond as required.
See Also:
Service Industry Location Keywords.
Reading resources 59
Basic SEO
SEO - Search Engine Optimisation.
Make it easier for Internet users to find your web page content.
Main Benefit:
Gain more website traffic using simple formatting techniques. E.g. title, heading and description including the main web page theme keywords.
Simple changes allow the search engines to read your web page and the rank it correctly for the keywords you want.
Internet searchers can see you title and description. Make it informative.
Picture descriptions can also allow traffic to come in on the pictures.
Having an English file name with keywords is more friendly for the Internet users and can help with links.
Current understanding of SEO is desired. The search engine rules are often being updated.
How will NBN change it?
Advanced SEO tools look both at your web page and the top 10 results for your target keywords. This requires a lot for Internet based activity and then comparison. NBN can speed this activity up.
See Also:
SEO Powersuite - compare your web pages against the top 10. Track keyword phrase lists over time, see all competitions back links (useful for your own links).
Reading resources 60
Basic PPC
PPC - Pay Per Click
Internet based advertising used mainly by Google, Youtube and Facebook.
Main Benefit:
Start a Internet based advertising campaign with target region and keyword phrases in hours.
Real time business promotion.
Advertising campaigns can have set budgets in $/day.
Advertising views are free.
Return on investment can be measured accurately. What does each new customer cost?
Advertisements can be text, pictures or video/animation.
Facebook advertisements can target keywords, region, male/female and age bracket.
Each time an advertisement is clicked and a visitor reaches your website you are charged a small fee. e.g. ~ $0.10 to $3.00. Use longer more specific phrases for lower costs.
The advertisement should have a custom matching theme to landing web page. The closer the match the lower the cost.
Advertisements need to fit into specific size formats.
Advanced graphical advertisements require more work to produce.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can be helpful choosing keyword phrases to use faster. Consider multiple advertisements, multiple keyword phrases, multiple landing pages and use cross comparison.
See Also:
Service Industry Location keywords
Reading resources 61
Wiki for Company Worldwide
Wiki - a web site developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content.
Help store company knowledge in a useful system for later reuse.
Main Benefit:
Stored knowledge can be used for field service fault resolution, customer frequently asked questions, research and development, maintain systems knowledge.
Have knowledge available for whole organisation rather than silos.
Keep knowledge even with staff changes.
Information can be within major category, minor category and searchable.
Wiki may require access from around the globe.
Internet / company network access is required for access.
How will NBN change it?
NBN allows for on-site web server/s to perform well.
See Also:
SharePoint A wiki can be set up in SharePoint with few skills.
Wikipedia A very large Wiki.
Reading resources 62
Dynamic Business with IT Feedback
Use Internet information to track customer needs and create products to suit.
Main Benefit:
You can find the markets and demand ahead of new production.
Find out what Internet users are searching for in your field in advance.
Find how search terms are trending over history.
Learn about buying patterns in different countries.
Create products and web pages early in the product lifecycle.
Be the first web page answering specific market needs. The page authority can build up over time.
Build up customer profiles. E.g. Cars being serviced with optional extras to do or monitor. Preferences of hotel guests provided automatically based on stored profile.
Some research resources require subscription or purchase.
Tracking 100's of phrases over time takes human, computing and Internet resources.
The length of a product lifecycle is unknown.
How will NBN change it?
NBN is useful to compare your website keywords Internet rankings versus your Industry keywords.
This process can take hours using slower Internet connections.
See Also:
Terapeak Worldwide ebay sales reporting system
Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Google Alerts Email alerts on defined keywords. E.g. News, web page mentions, blogs etc.
SEO Powersuite - compare your web pages against the top 10. Track keyword phrase lists over time, see all competitions back links (useful for your own links).
Industry Specific NBN Benefits
Video Hire
Using the Internet for paid video downloading.
Main Benefit:
Provide video rental, video sale, video training courses online.
No handling and shipping.
Real time payment options are possible.
Almost real time delivery.
Hosting service costs.
Own hosting costs.
Customer download quota.
International services have trouble with Australian Internet speeds.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can provide video content with faster uploading and downloading with fewer delays.
Video playback can be glitch free.
Multicast video distribution can allow for a new video channel on a subscription basis.
One hour of video can be downloaded in under 2 minutes.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Google Play Download and view video in minutes.
Netflix USA movie and television show download service.
Udemy Create a training course and sell it online with hosting provided.
Reading resources 65
Online Publishing
Use your creative content for worldwide distribution.
Main Benefit:
Provide online books, magazines, newsletters, podcasts online.
No printing costs.
Worldwide distribution.
Cheaper for customers.
Worldwide competition. Try to build up good feedback quickly.
Moving rich media content worldwide requires communication resources.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can provide faster delivery of content worldwide.
NBN allows for on site specialist content and services. E.g. Subscription website.
Quicker to upload audio and video podcasts.
Customers can view download and listen/view podcasts quicker.
See Also:
Apple iBooks eBooks
Apple Podcasts Audio and video podcasts
Amazon Kindle Books eBooks, newspapers, magazines
Google Play Books eBooks, magazines
Scrivener eBook/PDF/screenplay/web-page writing software. This document was compiled using this software.
Reading resources 66
Online Accounting
Keep accounting information online.
Main Benefit:
Business information can be accessed/shared between business, bookkeeper, accountant and business adviser.
Business intelligence can be gained in close to real time.
Online systems are available for bank information importing and tax office information exporting.
Online accounting requires good 2 way Internet connection by all parties.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can provide the 2 way connectivity for a great online accounting experience.
See Also:
Zero Online Accounting
Intuit QuickBooks Online Accounting
MYOB Online Accounting
Radio and Television
Use online services to improve broadcast quality.
Main Benefit:
The Internet can be used for real time interviews, remote interviews, field report collection, production house content and photography transmission etc.
Gather remote information/video/audio in real time for a more comprehensive broadcast.
Video and audio can use the Internet for transfer instead of costly/complex radio links.
Upload raw video to headquarter servers for editing in house.
Modern laptops with large memories and solid state hard drives can perform video editing in the field. Then use the Internet to upload the smaller finished product.
Speed of Information transfer is dependant on Internet Speed.
Upload speed of Internet is very important in this case.
How will NBN change it?
NBN will provide more locations were real time high quality video and audio can be sent from. E.g. Government buildings, libraries, performance venues, function rooms etc.
Live events can also be streamed to a global audience if required.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Virtual Conference with live and recorded events
Camtasia Perform both presentation and video capture for editing.
Reading resources 67
Computer shop system set up time reduced
Use the Internet to help deliver user ready computers faster.
Main Benefit:
Save computing and manpower time setting up a computer.
More computers can be made ready, with software, software updates, anti virus all up to date in a shorter period of time.
Customers or clients get their computers sooner.
Providing the full computer service option takes time and requires more and more updates.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can help download the software, updates, anti virus definitions sooner.
You computers can keep up to date sooner.
See Also:
Thin Clients - No updating required.
WSUS Windows Server Update Service. Allows Windows updates from a local server.
Proxy Server Provide a local cache for commonly downloaded items.
Reading resources 68
Selling Online Photos, Illustrations, Video and Audio
Sell online photographs, illustrations, video and audio worldwide.
Main Benefit:
Digital products can be resold multiple times without any extra effort.
Worldwide audience for your digital products.
Customers have access to worldwide photographs, illustrations, video and audio for download.
Customers can look more professional online.
Commissions taken when sale occurs.
Uploading large sized media takes time.
How will NBN change it?
Creators can upload their creations faster.
Consumers can preview and download their digital content sooner.
See Also:
Reading resources 69
Sell Digital Products
Control the hosting and sale of your own digital products.
Main Benefit:
No commission sale of digital products.
Sell eBooks, audio books, video files, training video, webinars, music MP3 files, podcasts, Spreadsheet macros, diagrams etc.
Payment processing for worldwide payment systems provided.
Can host large zipped files. e.g. Software packages.
Each product can be accessed from a unique link including payment options.
Buy link can be embedded in your own website, Facebook page, Linkedin profile, Tweet or email.
Sample products can be set up for free download.
Monthly hosting fees. e.g From $5/month.
How will NBN change it?
You can upload digital creations faster.
Consumers can download your digital content sooner.
See Also:
EJunkie Digital file hosting and shopping cart payment processing service.
Reading resources 70
Internet Kiosk / Tourism computer kiosk regarding region
Enable a large number of Internet connections from the one location.
Main Benefit:
This can provide a new income stream or a local service.
Provide another reason to come to your premises.
No local storage, no anti virus required.
Low power requirements.
Hardware costs upfront.
How will NBN change it?
All users have a good experience even at peak times.
See Also:
What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Thin Client - with browsers only setup.
Chromebox with guest mode enabled
Reading resources 71
Digital Self Service Custom Ordering
Use online systems to allow custom ordering and payment.
Main Benefit:
Worldwide orders can be taken 24x7 including custom parameters.
Customers can order at any time without assistance.
Online system can handle picture uploads, text layouts, template selections etc.
Complexity of initial setup.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can handle the bandwidth requirements at peak times like before Christmas.
Customer can work with online editors including uploading graphics quicker.
See Also:
Vistaprint Online custom graphic editing and ordering
Custom picture books Design picture books online and then pick up in store.
poster printing Upload picture online and then have large poster mailed to you.
Real Time Freight Calculator Allow real time calculation of freight to customers location before payment. Shipping labels are emailed to you for courier chosen.
Reading resources 72
Nursing home health - Home health
Perform more health services without patient transfers.
Main Benefit:
Save on costs and time while also collecting more patient data over time.
With more data, health care decisions can be improved.
High definition video conferencing between patient, nurse, doctor, specialist can be possible.
New hardware for data collection. e.g. blood pressure, blood sugar level, temperature.
Heavy requirements for Internet access especially in large organisations.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can provide multiple site HD video conferencing.
Patients can have video conferencing from home or a nursing home.
NBN can be useful for distributing health information include video and eBooks.
See Also:
Health IoT Devices Internet connected health devices
Reading resources 73
Remote insurance assessment for car damage
Use a set of procedures and multimedia to submit car insurance claims remotely.
Main Benefit:
Insurance companies do not need to send out assessors.
Insurance claims can be processed quicker with lower costs.
Customer can have their car back sooner.
Requires the repair business to take a specific sequence of photos processing the claim.
The photos plus a form needs to be uploaded to the Insurance company.
How will NBN change it?
Photo uploading time will be greatly reduced.
Real time video conferencing with a smartphone or tablet (using NBN + Wifi) could answer advanced questions quickly. A Tablet with application could take the photos and fill the form from the vehicle location.
See Also:
Vehicle Damage Assessment software
Reading resources 74
Remote control and monitoring
Perform more activities in more locations with less manpower.
Main Benefit:
Use wireless networking, mobile networking, satellite networking to measure and/or control equipment.
Save on field trips to check equipment in person.
Parameters being measured can be acted upon sooner. e.g Environmental monitoring, mining equipment control.
Confirm livestock water points are available, measure soil moisture in multiple paddocks, measure for temperature or frost in multiple paddocks.
Communication is needed in remote places.
How will NBN change it?
NBN satellite and Solar/Battery power can be placed almost anywhere in the country with reasonable data rates.
One Satellite NBN connection and wireless networking can cover a large area.
See Also:
CSIRO mining equipment control
Zigbee Low power sensor networks communication system
Reading resources 75
Provide mobile coverage yourself.
Main Benefit:
Provide mobile coverage outside the coverage maps using a Internet connection and Femtocell.
Provide mobile coverage where it is not previously available.
Mobile phones can be used like extension within the workplace.
Can be useful in large building with poor mobile reception like shopping centres, underground train stations etc.
Internet bandwidth is needed for each call.
How will NBN change it?
NBN can allow much more simultaneous calls at once.
NBN + Femtocell can provide mobile coverage in small remote businesses.
See Also:
Femtocell Solution Video Shows how end users benefit from Femtocell 3G communications where previously they had no mobile signal.
Reading resources 76
Bonus Section ICT Benefits
Social Proof
Use customer testimonials in volume for new prospects to read.
Main Benefit:
The more social proof available the more likely new customers will buy.
Can be automatically collected. e.g. eBay store Feedback.
Can be added from emails to web pages.
Can be added as customer blog comments on your website.
Positive feedback may be posted in systems outside your control but can generate more leads.
Bad feedback can have negative business consequences.
See Also:
How to Harness the power of Social Proof Online Interview transcript describing Social Proof
Reading resources 77
Social Media Buttons
Add Social Media buttons (click-able images) to your web pages for readers to use.
Main Benefit:
If one person reads your web page and likes it they can click on a social media button and automatically tell their friends.
Reach more people using existing customer's own contact lists.
Social Media interaction with a web page
Nothing external of your website is needed to implement this social media activity.
Over time this will generate more and more website activity without any extra effort.
Customer can also distribute poor customer service information to their contact lists.
See Also:
Social Media Button button code creator Create a line of social media button using just the web page URL as an input.
Reading resources 78
Social Media signs
Use Social Media within you promotions to create more business followers.
Main Benefit:
People who follow your business can also be updated automatically when you add entries under the business social media page.
Free. Add “Please Like “
Alternative example “Please Like “
You can have someone else create your social media business page and then hand over the admin access.
Facebook has over 11 million Australian users. Signs can connect with some of those.
People with smartphones may not want to type the web address.
See Also:
Reading resources 78
Google Places
Put your business on the Search Engine maps.
Main Benefit:
Your business appears on search engine maps.
This improves your local search engine results.
Can add open hours, address, phone number, website URL and pictures.
Authentication of business address is required. Can be by phone or mail.
Shopping centres with a common address are handled as one.
See Also:
Reading resources 79
Google Alerts
Receive automatic emails if your selected keywords are mentioned online.
Main Benefit:
You are notified quickly if your name, company, brand, industry is mentioned online.
You have a time advantage over the competition for relevant news.
Keep up to date with news in your industry
You can respond to negative comments fast.
You can add feedback to positive comments.
Free service
Time to read the emails.
See Also:
Reading resources 5
Retail QR code for after hours
QR - quick response code. Smartphones can scan these and convert to text, URL, web page etc.
QR code can be used to direct customer to website or book appointment web page.
QR code to web page URL example. E.g. Linkedin contact details.
Main Benefit:
After hours customer can still interact with your business after hours.
QR code creation is a free online service. Convert any short text into a QR picture file download.
QR code can be placed next to English instructions.
QR codes with pictures can be placed on a wall for online shopping.
Customer requires a smartphone with free QR code reading app.
Barcodes / QR can be read by smartphones for Internet based customer reviews and comparison shopping online prices.
See Also:
Retail QR code for video demonstration of product.
Google: Google Play QR code reader
Google: iPhone QR code reader
QR Stuff Create QR codes for website, Facebook page, Linkedin, Address, Phone number, email address, mobile app download page etc.
Scan Life Barcode and QR code scanning and business case studies.
QR Code Grocery Shopping Train station QR code shopping using smartphones with after hours delivery.
Reading resources 80
Retail QR code for video demonstration of product
Use a QR code on a product to provide more information about it.
Main Benefit:
Provide much more information about a product in store which can improve the probability of a sale.
Show a web page of what is in the box. Web page may have pictures, specifications, longer description, embedded videos etc.
QR code on pot plant can show more pictures of grown up plant with care instructions.
QR code to a URL of a video of how to use the product.
Use a QR code to view a picture gallery of the fully assembled product.
Below is a QR code for a video on QR uses and how to create them.
QR code to Video URL on how QR are being used.
Customer requires a smartphone with free QR code reading app.
Mobile signal strength in a large shopping centre can be poor.
See Also:
Retail QR code for after hours.
Internet Search: Google Play QR code reader
Internet Search: iPhone QR code reader
QR Stuff Create QR codes for website, Youtube video etc.
Reading resources 80
Web site pages
Create more unique web pages to help generate more long term search engine traffic.
Main Benefit:
New web pages can generate more traffic/customers forever into the future.
One off investment can pay back multiple times into the future.
The more web pages on your web site the more keyword phrases that can be used to get customers to your website. .e.g My 157 indexed web pages have 2993 keyword phrases used to get to them.
Creative unique content such as reviews, comparisons, background information, industry information, detailed specifications, hot to use pages, picture galleries of its use are more likely to be indexed.
Careful unique web page creation can be indexed with a 90% + probability.
Multiple web pages around a theme with interconnected links work better than a single web page.
Create web pages for each stage of the buying decision. e.g. solve a need general, solve a need refined, comparison solutions, final solution and buy page.
Modern content management systems allow online creating and editing of web pages a little like a word processor.
Copy and paste of manufacturer product descriptions do not always get indexed by search engines.
Organic search engine traffic has a long term project payback. E.g. months.
- Keyword Phrase Review
- Competition on Keywords Analysis
- Select keywords to use
- Create web pages
- Search engines crawl over new page and hopefully index it
- Search engine ranking can improve with backlinks
- Review rankings over time.
- Repeat process.
See Also:
Service Industry location keywords
Wordpress A very popular free content management system for websites.
TextBroker Service for writing articles. You still need to paste this into a web page.
Reading resources 81
Website Backlinks
Use multiple online resources to create hyperlinks back to your website for website promotion purposes.
Main Benefit:
The more good backlinks to your web site the better your ranking in the search engines. This leads to more traffic, more leads and more customers.
Backlinks can last for years promoting your business website.
You can create backlinks from your other online assets. E.g. Business Facebook page, Linkedin company listing, Linkedin personal profile, Youtube channel, Slideshare profile, Twitter tweets.
Answering online questions with a backlink to your website elaborating on the answers are quick to do. e.g., Yahoo, Linkedin questions.
Writing articles for other websites with a backlink to your website can work.
Ask for a backlink when doing a presentation for other groups.
Not all backlinks have equal value.
Backlinks from a variety of good websites have more value. Backlinks from your industry have a higher value.
See Also:
Service industry location keywords.
Reading resources 82
Restaurant / Shop Ordering with Tablet
Use tablets to take orders from the restaurant/shop floor with information going to the kitchen/bar/cash register.
Main Benefit:
Restaurant/shop staff can spend more time with the customers.
Know the stock levels from the shop floor.
Provide extra product information with specifications, pictures, video in front of the customer in real time.
Get notifications when a meal is ready, a drink is ready, a product is on the loading dock ready for pick up.
Handle more customers well per hour.
More accurate order taking.
If customer name is known then customer history and preferences can be known.
Hardware requirement for shop staff and shop back end required.
Wifi needed across the business premises.
See Also:
Point of Sale include iPad and iPhone
Reading resources 83
Scheduled SMS
Use scheduled SMS services for business purposes.
Main Benefit:
Provide customer reminders of appointments.
Improve the attendance rate of scheduled appointments automatically.
SMS reminders of when a car service is due with link to appointment booking web page.
Post service SMS with a rate the service 1-10 rating reply.
SMS is less disruptive to the consumer compared to a phone call.
SMS delivery is quicker than a phone call.
Each scheduled SMS costs a small amount. E.g. 5 cents.
Staff still need to add a SMS to the schedule.
See Also:
Dynamic Business with IT feedback
Reading resources 84
Post business service survey
Post service email to gather feedback on services and products.
Main Benefit:
Feedback help refine your services and products for better customer satisfaction.
Feedback can be used for testimonials.
Negative feedback can be dealt with quickly with the aim of a positive outcome.
Feedback can be a source of ideas for new customer products and services.
Track how happy customers are over time. Use it as a key performance indicator.
Feedback can help with product marketing in terms of customer benefits.
Feedback can be used to provide frequently asked questions and answers.
Feedback requires review and monitoring.
Feedback requires a database to store comments and scores over time. This can be reported upon.
See Also:
Reading resources 84
Virtual reality display for education, demonstration, history illustration
Use computing power to overlay physical and projected images together.
Main Benefit:
Be able to demonstrate ideas before they are physically created.
Show ideas before creating them physically.
Show events in history or in distant locations in 3 dimensions.
Scenes can be triggered by the presenters movements.
Educational impact is very high.
Heavy computing power is need to monitor the presenters movement and then project the required scenes.
Movements and scenes need to be pre-programmed.
See Also:
you tube video with augmented reality
Have you a short list of activities that are right for you. Which ones can be done now and which ones later?
See if the Reading Resources list can help you. The books are custom picked for these ideas.
Research each idea of interest and create priority list.
Evaluate your skills and organisation skills. See transferable and SFIA skills links in Appendix Resources.
What are the total skills needs for your action list.
Train oneself or group train. Bring in missing skills. Ask your social network for assistance.
You and NBN can be at the next level. Start Now.
Thank you for reading the eBook. Please consider sharing the eBook address with your social networks. Thanks.

What NBN Internet Speed Do I Need?
Select an Internet speed based on your applications and number of users.
Main Benefit:
NBN can scale up to hundreds of users if required.
Each NBN fibre premises device can provide up to 4 Gigabit Ethernet connections. Table shows what can be done with one connection used.
NBN Connections can be provisioned from multiple providers to the one device for redundancy. e.g. Up to 4 connections and 4 providers.
NBN Co is provisioning 3 fibres possible per block of land to allow for future growth. E.g. 12 fibres per 4 house blocks.
NBN Internet Speeds and Applications Guide
Internet Connection | NBN 12 / 1 | NBN 25 / 5 | NBN 100 / 40 | NBN 1000 / 400 (business) |
Download Speed nominal Mbps | 12 | 25 | 100 | 1000 |
Upload Speed nominal Mbps | 1 | 5 | 40 | 400 |
1 GB Download | 11 minutes | 5 minutes | 1.3 minutes | 8 seconds |
1 GB Upload | 2.2 hours | 27 minutes | 3.3 minutes | 20 seconds |
Good Internet browsing experience (users) | 6 | 12 | 50 | 500 |
Streaming Video e.g. Youtube (videos) | 3 | 6 | 20 | 200 |
Streaming 4k UHD Video (videos) | 0 | 0 | 2 | 20 |
VOIP calls simultaneously | 12 | 62 | 500 | 5000 |
HD Video Conferencing (quantity) | 0 | 2 | 20 | 200 |
Multisite Video Conferencing | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Thin Clients with remote servers | 3 | 15 | 120 | 1200 |
Local server/s with remote thin clients | 3 | 15 | 120 | 1200 |
CCTV video feeds (H264 going offsite) | 0 | 4 | 36 | 360 |
Local Web Server/s | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Local Game Server/s | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Two server sites in sync. | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Remote site full backup in near real time | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Digital Software Distribution | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Multicast Video Broadcasting | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Large Organisations | No | No | Yes | Yes |
What is your ideal total usage of the Internet across applications?
- Consider the communication cost savings from a NBN service.
- Consider the productivity gains for large organisations.
- Communication bottlenecks that can limit growth are gone.
- What are the new opportunities that NBN can bring to you?
Pre NBN Site Preparation
Making sure your premises can take the most advantage of NBN speed.
Main Benefit:
Compare your existing networking equipment with NBN needs and upgrade only once if required.
- Router with Gigabit Ethernet WAN connection. This will be the NBN input.
- Router with Gigabit Ethernet LAN connections. These are router outputs to wired computers.
- If more than 4 wired computers, choose a Gigabit Ethernet network switch. Suits 5-48 more computers each. For large VOIP installation choose a Switch with Power Over Ethernet.
- If wireless computing is needed then a router that can support Wifi standards G, N, (AC optional). More Wireless Access Points can be added for increased area coverage.
- If adding new cabling for wired computers choose category 6 cable. Range 100 metres. Longer distance and multiple buildings can be connected with fibre.
All these checks and upgrades can be done now.
NBN Site Connection
How to connection your Internet devices to NBN.
1. Fibre NBN activity at rollout.
NBN fibre goes to an outside junction box to the outside of your premises. This is provided free when your suburb is rolled out if you fill in a form. Internal NBN connection can occur later at your convenience.
2. Fibre NBN connection to the inside of your premises
When you are ready for a NBN connection contact your Internet Provider and ask for a NBN Plan (Phone and or Internet).
A fibre is run from the external junction box to a wall socket near a power point where you want your NBN to appear inside your premises. If this is more than straight through a single wall you pay for this.
Your Internet Provider supplies a free NBN Co Network Termination Unit with Battery Backup. Inputs are Mains power and NBN fibre connection. Outputs are 2 phone sockets and 4 Gigabit Ethernet network sockets.
Regular analogue phones can be connected to the phone sockets. A cordless phone base station with multiple cordless phones can connection to one of these sockets. See also VOIP options.
From the first Ethernet Socket plug a Category 6 patch cable to your router WAN input. If you have wired Ethernet computers connect them to the router. For large businesses then connect the router output to a large Ethernet Switch/es for the whole business.
Wireless NBN provides 4 Ethernet Sockets
Satellite NBN provides 1 Ethernet Socket
Patchwork NBN
NBN Co NBN = 93% fibre + 7% (wireless and 2 new satellites).
NBN alternatives = 22% Existing Fibre + 71% Fibre to the node and copper (FTTN) + 4% Wireless + 3% Satellite.
What is lost with the alternative? 71% of premises connections still use copper with variable speeds.
Approximately 8 million copper pairs will need to be tested if they are suitable for FTTN VDSL2 higher frequency 30MHz signals.
Copper cable replacements will have an impact on FTTN network rollout timetable and network costs.
- Reduced upload speed for business scale.
- Less VOIP extensions.
- Less Thin Client sessions.
- Smaller branch office sizes due to communication bottlenecks.
- No telecottage.
- Less video production work for export.
- Television and Radio broadcasting restrictions.
- Gaming business server restrictions.
- Poor communications when copper cabling is under water.
- Regional communication options are expensive or subsidized by taxpayers forever.
- Fibre to node requires approximately 60,000's fridge sized powered cabinets on streets.
- Upgrade path to fibre to the premises later will cost much more in the long run.
Alternate Network Considerations
3G and 4G communications do not do the large downloading Internet work. Wireless mobile downloads account for 5% of total downloads (Dec 2012)
3G and 4G is already seeing congestion on weekday afternoons.
3G and 4G is much more expensive per GB for downloading compared to fixed line broadband.
Internet download volumes are going up each year. From Dec 2011 to Dec 2012 Australian downloads total went up 61%.
Digital based business activities are on the increase.
Internet Resources
A Snapshot of Australia Digital Future to 2050
NBN Interactive Rollout Map
60 NBN Detailed Rollout Maps
NBN Home Use Video with Connection videos
NBN Small Business Planning Videos
NBN Connected Small Business Videos
How Much Internet Speed do I Need
NBN Toolkit eBook including NBN Plans
Seek out NBN Toolkit eBook link on right
Transferable Skills
Which of your existing skills could be used in new fields?
Skills for the Information Age
97 skills. Which ones do you have and which ones do you want?
Useful to improve success rates for projects and businesses.
Australian Computer Society
Over 20,000 members with ICT qualifications, experience and continuous professional development.
Reading Resources
Here are 86 Books for more information. The books chosen relate to the ideas above.
Amazon eBooks can be read on a computer, Apple iPad, Android Tablet or Kindle device.
Books 24x7 and Amazon were used in their selection.
Note the links are affiliate links to suit this document.
Skill up quickly for your target projects.
Book | Book Title | Book Description |
1 |
Review of technology costs for voice and data communications. | |
2 |
What is the effect of the Digital Economy for business, technology, education and culture. | |
3 |
The Hamster Revolution: How to Manage Your Email Before It Manages You |
Manage your email time better. |
4 |
iPad Means Business: How Apple's Tablet Computer is Changing the Work World |
How individuals, education and companies use the Apple iPad tablet. |
5 |
Covers Google search, Gmail, Applications, Social, Calendar, maps, Analytics and Android apps. | |
6 |
Rapid Video Development for Trainers: How to Create Learning Videos Fast and Affordably |
Video techniques in terms of psychology, practice, communication layers, production and editing. |
7 |
How to make Youtube video worth watching, relevant,optimised and engaging with case studies. | |
8 |
Improving skills across the whole organisation which builds organisational capacity. | |
9 |
How lifelong learning and education is changing using fast Internet connections. | |
10 |
How small to medium business handles digital marketplaces including case studies. | |
11 |
How to create eBooks, PDF, Screenplays and simple web pages with Scrivener. | |
12 |
Wireless networking standards, hardware, installation, usage and connections. | |
13 |
How to create, record and upload a podcast. | |
14 |
Understanding social media, implementing social media and measuring social media. | |
15 |
How 3D printing and community/Internet knowledge is reshaping manufacturing. | |
16 |
How to handle the new larger data storage requirements across local and remote locations. | |
17 |
There are over 26 applications included with Google Business Apps all available online. How can an organisation use this platform. | |
18 |
iPad in the Enterprise: Developing and Deploying Business Applications |
How to use tablets for more productivity in many sections of an organisation. |
19 |
How Open Source software operates within the world of technology. | |
20 |
The Little Book of Cloud Computing, 2013 Edition: Including Coverage of Big Data Tools |
How are the major industry players providing cloud services including storage. |
21 |
Reviews the current users of streaming media, technologies in play and bandwidth requirements. | |
22 |
The Retail Revival: Reimagining Business for the New Age of Consumerism |
How the marketplace is changing to cope with online retail, changing customer needs and new technologies. |
23 |
Understanding VoIP: Internet Telephony and the Future Voice Network |
How is VOIP communication done including unified communications (UC) products and services. |
24 |
Digital Television: Satellite, Cable, Terrestrial, IPTV, Mobile TV in the DVB Framework |
How television has evolved over time to digital transmission including IPTV and the current transmission requirements. |
25 |
How to start using VOIP including video conferencing. | |
26 |
# MANAGING YOUR VIRTUAL BOSS tweet Book01: 140 Ways to Make the Virtual Organization Work for You |
How to manage teleworking and avoid the pitfalls. |
27 |
11th Edition. Small Business preparation, business opportunities, getting started, marketing, operating and financials. | |
28 |
How online games are created and the social interaction with its users. | |
29 |
Cloud Computing Explained: Implementation Handbook for Enterprises |
How cloud computing can help business cope quickly to change for hardware, software and storage. |
30 |
Growth Champions: The Battle for Sustained Innovation Leadership (Growth Agenda) |
What are the characteristics of global growing companies. 20 case studies included. |
31 |
How to research market potential and create a workable business plan. | |
32 |
Virtual Team Success: A Practical Guide for Working and Leading from a Distance |
What makes virtual teams fail or succeed? What are characteristics of great virtual teams and how do they operate? |
33 |
Private Cloud Computing: Consolidation, Virtualization, and Service-Oriented Infrastructure |
How can new wide area networking options, new data centre design and virtual computing save time and costs for an organisation. |
34 |
How ICT is helping regional groups around the world. Worldwide case studies including Australia. | |
35 |
How to manage inventory in terms of current demand and future needs. Strategies for manufacturers and retail including risks. | |
36 |
How to capture business information to help make better decisions. Case studies included. | |
37 |
Bank 2.0: How Customer Behavior and Technology Will Change the Future of Financial Services |
How is the Internet and smartphones with NFC (ID chip) affecting financial transactions. |
38 |
The New Small: How a New Breed of Small Businesses Is Harnessing the Power of Emerging Technologies |
How small business can leverage remote Software As A Service (SAAS) to save on costs and reach new customers within a flexible environment. |
39 |
Global Project Management: Communication, Collaboration and Management Across Borders |
How ICT can help with project management in terms of collaboration with software, document management and video conferencing. |
40 |
Google Apps Express: The Fast Way To Start Working in the Cloud |
How to create, store, edit, share documents on any Internet browser device within an organisation. e.g. From a work computer, tablet, smartphone or home computer etc. |
41 |
M-Commerce: Boost Your Business with the Power of Mobile Commerce |
How mobiles are being used for shopping, payments, consuming, applications, business, health care and advertising. |
42 |
How to operate in the world's largest online business to business marketplace. 240 countries. 5.5 million storefronts. | |
43 |
Understand international environments, finding global customers and how to market to them. Final section in international social media, sustainability and new challenges. | |
44 |
How location data can help with business making smarter, efficient and productive decisions. 26 case studies of how small/medium/large business is using location (GPS) data. | |
45 |
What are the problems and decisions to be framed from the business data? How to collect the useful business data, catalog it and what customer behaviors can be gained from the data. | |
46 |
Managing Research, Development and Innovation: Managing the Unmanageable |
How to manage information, research, development, people, funds, culture, networking, effectiveness, performance appraisal and implementation. etc. |
47 |
Covers networking basics, planning, construction, Internet connections, wireless, mobile and servers connections. | |
48 |
Understanding VoIP: Internet Telephony and the Future Voice Network |
How is VOIP disrupting traditional telephony? How does computer networking influence VOIP? What are the new features of VOIP? |
49 |
10 Steps to Successful Virtual Presentations (ASTD 10 Steps Series) |
This cover the sequence of setting objectives, learning the platform, creating a plan, building content, improving presentation skills, presenting and follow up. |
50 |
How virtual computers, thin clients, shared storage/memory/processing power can save on business costs with improved availability. | |
51 |
Smartsourcing: Driving Innovation and Growth Through Outsourcing |
How to use outsourcing for improvement of business innovation speed. Also how to provide outsourcing services to the world. |
52 |
A Quick Start Guide to Cloud Computing: Moving Your Business into the Cloud (New Tools for Busine) |
How can cloud computing help improve your business without the hype. Includes case studies. |
53 |
How to use and create online services based on business needs. Also outlines how you can create new sophisticated online services to sell to others. | |
54 |
How the Internet can be used with smart objects. This can be used to measure energy consumption, control devices, environmental monitoring, home automation, building automation, reduce city congestion with traffic monitoring, smart transport systems etc. | |
55 |
Ways to make a business resilient to both internal and external factors. | |
56 |
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals |
How to keep your business data safe from natural disasters, equipment failures and human hazards. |
57 |
How to acquire and maintain customer relationships using email marketing while also monitoring results and the bottom line. | |
58 |
Keyword Intelligence: Keyword Research for Search, Social, and Beyond |
How keywords can be used to understand your audience needs, expectations and wants. This information can be then put to fulfilling their expectations. Other benefits include improved marketing results for your other marketing channels. |
59 |
How is your website performing in terms of visitors, traffic sources, content viewed, search terms used, time on web pages and sales conversion rate? Add Analytics for free and find out. Very useful for website development for even more traffic and business. | |
60 |
Covers SEO basics to advanced, keywords, planning, tools, link building, mobile search and 16 industry interviews. | |
61 |
How to best use Google Adwords Pay Per Click PPC. This includes keywords, landing web pages, ad text/video/mobile, geographic targeting, reporting and monitoring. | |
62 |
How to set up a local instance of a Wiki using free software. Like Wikipedia only smaller. Write, store and share knowledge. | |
63 |
SharePoint can be used in a company for forms, document storage, work flows, wikis and web sites (private and public). Advanced links with Microsoft Office. Can be customised to suit you. | |
64 |
Business Rules and Information Systems: Aligning IT with Business Goals |
How when business and IT are aligned well great things can be achieved while also responding to changing environments. |
65 |
Professional Web Video: Plan, Produce, Distribute, Promote, and Monetize Quality Video |
How to create professional video including audio, lighting, telling the story and editing. Also hosting video, promoting video and monetizing video. |
66 |
How to pick your niche, become an authority, build an audience, add social media, add multimedia content, create revenue streams and finally build an audience offline. | |
67 |
What are the different types of digital TV technologies including 3D? How can the content be delivered with quality? Also describes customised content delivery, telepresence, e-health, immersive 3D media and mixing web content with video. | |
68 |
How to handle computer patch management including vulnerabilities, tools, management systems, testing and software lifecycles. | |
69 |
How the Internet and telco speed are interconnected in terms of services available. Examples of different modern operating business models, new web standards, mobile use, real time data delivery, user hardware platforms to consider, sensor networks using smartphones, augmented web services and hosting platforms. | |
70 |
Digital Product Management, Technology and Practice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives |
How can digital products be financed, protected, priced, accounted, promoted, sold outright or as a service and 21st century trends. |
71 |
Economic opportunities across the Internet depend on a connection and speed. Models to provide Internet, broadband infrastructure types, broadband demands and global case studies. | |
72 |
What are the factors that make a eCommerce website successful. Includes avoiding mistakes, planning, website design, website usability and marketing. | |
73 |
e-health for older adults, health applications, usability engineering, smart home environments, product redesign for seniors, home care nursing systems, handheld computing used in care practices, electronic health records and e-health cost saving initiatives. | |
74 |
How to gain competitive advantage by having systems being able to communicate with each other. This involves design, networking, quality assurance, security, Business to Business connections and standards. | |
75 |
How can smart networks be used for machine monitoring for failure or wear? How can smart systems confirm the quantity and accuracy on machine work? What are the communication standards used across machines? | |
76 |
How to use Femtocells to handle mobile coverage issues indoors and in rural settings. Includes deployment scenarios, repeaters, antenna for indoors or outdoor use. | |
77 |
How to influence using reciprocation, commitment, consistency, social proof, liking, authority, scarcity and automatic consent. | |
78 |
How social media work in the real world. How a recommendation 'Like' from a friend is more powerful than advertisements. Create dialogue with and between customers. Just be Likeable. | |
79 |
The Guide To Google Places: Get Your Local Business On The Map and Let Your Prospects Find You! |
How to create a free Google Place listing to help with local Internet searches for your business. What to include to have an ideal listing. |
80 |
Understanding Quick Response (QR) codes. Creating them, scanning them, tracking them and examples of use.e.g. Delivery of real time information, selling products, collecting feedback, going paperless and delivering customer service. | |
81 |
Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content for Web and Mobile |
Why is website content importance in the Internet age? Includes keyword research, on page optimisation, content types, press releases, social media content, email content, video content, audio content and mobile specific content. |
82 |
Introduces search, website links and link building. Link assets, link opportunities, link prospecting, reviewing competitor link, link tools, link acquisition and strategies. | |
83 |
How a tablet can be used for Internet connectivity, cloud document access, email, contacts, calendars, video conferencing, enterprise access, eBooks, meeting use, presentations and accounting. Special work uses for teachers, legal professionals, medical professionals, IT professionals, real estate and construction. | |
84 |
The Third Screen: Marketing to Your Customers in a World Gone Mobile |
How mobiles are changing behaviors, becoming smarter, accessing new content, can be used for customer engagement, can be used for on-site marketing, have location awareness and provide 2 way electronic communications. |
85 |
The Internet of Elsewhere: The Emergent Effects of a Wired World |
How has the Internet changed societies in Iran, Estonia, South Korea and Senegal. South Korea has the highest fibre broadband adoption in the world. |
86 |
The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future |
A condensed review of 1500 business that started with very low start up costs. Includes case studies of online diet planning, online training programs, online spreadsheet templates, website design, media production, consultants, event organising, bookkeeping, online sales, transcription service, online map sales and online book sales. |
87 |
How to plan digital video surveillance in detail. Includes video analytics, case studies, camera options, alarm options, wiring options, IP based cameras, project planning, checklists etc. |
If more assistance is required then please seek qualified ICT professionals with the skills required. Best wishes moving up to the next level.
Please consider sharing the eBook address with your social networks. Thanks.